Pre-cataract surgery drop-free drug regimen proves to be effective and efficient

Pre-cataract surgery drop-free drug regimen proves to be effective and efficient

A very effective and efficient drug regimen has been in use by physicians at Kaiser Permanente for over a decade to treat patients pre-operatively before cataract surgery.

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A very effective and efficient drug regimen has been in use by physicians at Kaiser Permanente for over a decade to treat patients pre-operatively before cataract surgery.


The protocol eliminates the cumbersome pre-operative drops with the exception of one drop to dilate the eye. The traditional drop protocol can be expensive and lends itself to improper installation, and higher risk of infection due to tip contamination.

The innovative protocol begins with an injection of LidoPhen at the beginning of surgery and then concludes with an injection of moxifloxacin. In addition, an injection of triamcinolone acetonide is administered.

The most common side effects associated with the regimen are possible Intraocular pressure (IOP) spikes, conjunctival hemorrhage and the presence of the depot white spot, which typically resolves in about 1 to 2 months. IOP should be check post-op after a month.

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