5 Eye Diseases that can lead to Blindness
age-related macular degeneration

5 Eye Diseases that can lead to Blindness

There are five eye diseases that are the leading causes of blindness and low vision in the United States: age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and eye injurie...
Patients prefer dropless regimen to drops after cataract surgery
cataract surgery

Patients prefer dropless regimen to drops after cataract surgery

Conventional therapy after cataract surgery involves instilling eye drops multiple times a day for up to four weeks while the dropless regimen involves a punctal plug being inserted into the eye at...
Are 2 Lasers better than 1 for Cataract Surgery?

Are 2 Lasers better than 1 for Cataract Surgery?

Scientists have been working on a new technology that utilizes two lasers - one to destroy the clouded lens and the other to stimulate the regeneration of tissue. 

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