Evening exercise offers the greatest benefit to certain people

Evening exercise offers the greatest benefit to certain people

What time of day you exercise may have a greater impact on your health if you are overweight or a Type 2 diabetic.
Turning 65 - Part 3 - Motion is Lotion
couch potato

Turning 65 - Part 3 - Motion is Lotion

One could go through Modern Life without nary breaking a sweat. We can now order our food and supplies by phone and with a click. Many of our workdays are spent sitting in a chair with our eyes tra...
Working out works to help job productivity
brain health

Working out works to help job productivity

It is well known that having a consistent exercise routine is beneficial for overall health but not everyone realizes that these benefits can translate to being more productive at your job.
Walking weighs in a beneficial weight loss tool
balanced diet

Walking weighs in a beneficial weight loss tool

Knowing the right way to incorporate walking with your sleeping, and eating habits, you can beef up your weight loss progress.
Mild exercise boosts brain health

Mild exercise boosts brain health

A new study (results published in GeroScience) was conducted by researchers focused on the impact of long-term mild aerobic exercise on brain function in older adults.
5 Things to Support Good Brain Health

5 Things to Support Good Brain Health

Reducing your risk factors that can cause poor brain health is the first step towards better brain health

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